2015 Annual Report
Every year we see a higher priority set on the gathering of data – longitudinal data, metadata crunched from past studies, and current metrics. In some fields, the goal of analyzing this hard data is to make good programs better or more efficient. In other fields, the objective is to determine the best target for additional research or to cut back investments in efforts that do not show promise.
In recent years, priority has also grown around identifying and tracking soft data. How do people value the services they receive? How do they experience information in media on major societal issues like health, education or climate change?
There is growing recognition that both hard and soft data must be assembled in order to yield information that is actionable. NewKnowledge is one of a handful of social research and evaluation organizations worldwide with both data crunching capacity and deep social science capacity. This year sees us working with corporations, government agencies at the federal and state levels, universities, cultural and environmental organizations, media, and libraries.
At the end of our fourth year, we are receiving increased requests to share our approach and the outcomes of projects at the national and international level. This is a welcome trend. We,like many of our partners, place a high priority on supporting positive change through the communication of our findings. And what partners! Take a look at page 15 to see the extraordinary colleagues and agencies with whom NewKnowledge is generating strong work, and page 14 to see our thoughtful Board, as well as our skilled and deeply committed staff and fellows (plus a couple of kindly canine office assistants).
Our thanks to all who engaged with and supported this important work across the arc of 2015. After four years as the founding chair, I can say with confidence that the organization is living up to its vision of helping all people reach their full potential in harmony with a thriving biosphere. I am pleased to hand over the position to Judy Koke, another of our founding board, knowing that we have built something that’s needed in our society.
It is a privilege to do work that makes a difference.
Marilyn Hoyt, Board Chair