Working with our partners, we publish peer-reviewed articles, research-to-practice briefs, blog posts, toolkits, and a variety of other outputs. Recent examples include:
This ACM Trends report focuses on these digital media as one educational tool in the museum toolkit. Several well-regarded early childhood organizations have endorsed particular uses of media even for very young children, and we explore the principles and the research behind them before turning to criteria that can help identify when media is the right tool.
The world is designed for mobile media, including smartphones and tablets, and young children are already using these tools in a range of settings. This ACM Trends report summarizes what is currently known about the ubiquity of mobile media in young children’s lives, including the caregivers’ decisions about their children’s use.
A proposed answer to the question of how libraries can assess the indirect impacts of their programming efforts—at the community, regional, and national levels.
Actionable steps for creating partnerships that help organizations meet their goals, expand their capacities, reach new audiences, and build stronger communities.
The foundational practices of Computational Thinking (CT) present an interesting overlap with neurodiversity, specifically with differences in executive function (EF). An analysis of CT teaching and learning materials designed for differentiation and support of EF show promise to reveal problem-solving strengths of neurodivergent learners.
An analysis of media coverage around libraries’ community engagement efforts reveals some of the ways these key institutions are perceived and made meaningful for public audiences.