Embody DEAI

Strive to integrate principles and practices of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion.

by Knology
Jun 28, 2021

Ethics and justice are the foundations of Knology’s research. Our dedication to diversity, equity, access, and inclusion can be found on the Ethics page of our website. As an organization, we recognize that this will be an ongoing and vital pursuit that will empower our partners, colleagues, and team members. In 2020, we continued to strengthen these principles across our projects and our institutional commitments.

Black Lives Matter

As protests of racism took hold throughout the United States and the world in 2020, Knology reflected on how our team could address injustices. Our Board and staff released a statement condemning racist violence and oppression. This statement directed attention to the history of suppressing the voices of Black and African American scholars in the social sciences. We created a living resource list for scholars studying these issues and anti-racist scholarly practices. Read the BLM Statement & Resource List >>

Education in the Pandemic & Computational Thinking

With funding from the Department of Education, we led an interview study of educators across the country to understand the uncertainties facing teachers, students, and families as the pandemic continued to unfold throughout 2020. This white paper explains the trade-offs required in pandemic-era education and the opportunities to invest in equity for all stakeholders. Looking for solutions to some of the most complex issues, we are part of a team led by TERC that is exploring the potential of a methodology called computational thinking. Read about the Education in the Pandemic Research >>

The Potential of an Inclusive Environmental Movement

Research has shown that the environmental movement has a history of exclusion. Our researchers asked, what would an inclusive and equitable movement look like? And, equally important, what could it accomplish? We outlined our vision for a research plan that could help us find the answers to these important questions. Read the Plan for an Inclusive Environmental Movement >>

Photo credit: Renee Fisher on Unsplash

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