Ed Greene

Research Fellow

Child Development, Early Learning, Digital Media Literacy

Ed formerly served as the VP for Children, Youth, & Digital Media Literacy at the Hispanic Information Telecommunications Network (HITN). At Knology, he focuses on media literacy, cultural competency, ideation, and transmedia property development, and serves as Principal investigator for the NSF/AISL-funded project Authoring Children’s STEM Stories for Climate Risk Preparedness. Previously, Ed was an instructional leadership coach for principals and PreK-2 teachers in Detroit Public Schools for Teachscape. He has served as a senior adviser and consultant to Cito USA and its Piramide Approach to Early Learning, and as director of global outreach for Sesame Workshop in Central America, the Andes, Jordan, Kosovo, and India. Over his 40-year career, Ed has worked with young children, adolescents and families, and in various capacities within the philanthropic, private and public sectors, and in higher education. Currently, he facilitates educational and cross cultural consultation to media industry content creators, and evaluative research for organizations serving children, youth, and families.

Photo of Ed Greene