A Framework for Designing a Logic Model: The 10-Minute Walk Campaign

This post highlights the process of drafting an effective logic model using Knology's work with the 10-Minute Walk Campaign as an example

by Rupu GuptaNicole LaMarcaChristina Shane-SimpsonNezam Ardalan
Aug 19, 2021

Logic models provide clear directions and action steps towards specific program goals. They are valuable tools for organizations that are designing outcomes-based program evaluations. This post provides an overview of the processes and components needed for crafting effective logic models. It also provides an example of a model that Knology developed for the 10-Minute Walk Campaign.

The 10-Minute Walk Campaign is an initiative of the National Recreation and Park Association, the Trust for Public Land, and the Urban Land Institute. It aims to ensure that there are green spaces within 10 minutes of every home in urban settings in the US. The process of designing the logic model for this Campaign began with each participating organization sharing details about their activities, audiences, intended goals and outcomes, and other sources of data related to their work on the Campaign.

Knology used the information from the workshop to draft the first version of the logic model that was then refined over time with input from the partner organizations. Prior to developing the model, the partners worked on elucidating a theory of change that captured the primary goals of the Campaign. The first was engaging with key change makers including city governments, mayors’ offices, funders, and practitioners and leaders in the land-use and real estate space. The second goal was to transform the process of park planning, development, programming and maintenance in cities. The third goal was to shift public perceptions of parks towards increased appreciation and recognition of the value that these spaces provide. Lastly, the partners wanted to push for systemic change that results in greater levels of support for parks across different sectors of society.

Building on the theory of change, the logic model provides detailed steps and actions needed to bring the Campaign’s vision to life. The model incorporated inputs, partnership activities, audiences, direct outputs, indirect outputs, outcomes, and goals. Inputs covered what assets each partner organization contributed to the partnership including various resources and tools as well as networks of member and partner organizations.

As part of the expected outcomes, the partner organizations would produce materials and messaging about parks and the Campaign that targeted park professionals, city leadership, and the general public. Another expected outcome of the Campaign was a network of actively engaged partners at the national and local levels. In terms of outputs, the partners would come up with active strategies for sharing resources developed for the campaign as well as secure partnerships with peer organizations. Additional outputs include securing financial investments for building, maintaining, and developing parks, and garnering support for equitable park development.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Maybe its just too obvious. As declining architectural structures increase inherent risk factors when repaired or reconditioned, citys can designate a demolition site for acreage allotment. Meaning, that a 600 unit condo that took up a city block would be replaced by a 6 unit brownstone or unconventional creative architecture like crates, novel material and energy innovating homes on minimum 1/4 acre per parcel, per block. With yards inter-connected and for public use of benches, trails, etc. The potential for citizen involvement and creativity is endless!! This would bring the close-knit intimacy of the neighborhood together in a public setting and evolution of cultures would thrive. Yes, 590 people leave, but if the concern is to assure that every person has access, it is a given that those who choose to leave for more rural, or less urban sites also accomplishes the goal. No matter how you slice it. Its a business net loser. Thats good. The concern of development should always be spiritual. Public spaces should truly be used by, and by design of, the people it serves. As tech reaches a certain point and accessibility is vastly increased, the need for centralization dissipates and unity once again, is a choice made of free will and fellowship not of necessity or compliance to any oppressive form of communism or corporate governance. God bless.
By Charles Firebrand
On Friday, August 20, 2021
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